We all hope the fighting will end. However we cannot give up because we have to defend our people. Burmese soldiers commit crimes like torture, rape and forced labor. Since no one else protects us from them we must protect ourselves.
UNSEEN MAE LA An innovative arts project for Karen refugees from Burma to describe their lives through photography.
My Story
Everyone should have human rights. In Burma, the government took away our rights to live in peace, earn a living and raise our families. We have little health care, few schools and no safety. Like so many others, I fled Karen State when the military destroyed my village. They killed many people, even those working in the fields.
I have lived most of my life in a refugee camp. I want to learn about politics because I want to be able to protect my people. I pray for democracy in Burma and plan to return to my homeland. If we do not achieve democracy in Burma, I don’t know what I’ll do.